Aqua Blog

Stopping Sobolan Malware with Aqua Runtime Protection  

Stopping Sobolan Malware with Aqua Runtime Protection  

Aqua Nautilus researchers have discovered a new attack campaign targeting interactive computing environments such as Jupyter Notebooks. The attack consists of multiple stages, beginning with the download of a compressed file from a remote server. Once executed, the attacker deploys several malicious tools to exploit the server and establish persistence. This campaign poses a significant risk to cloud-native environments, as it enables unauthorized access and long-term control over compromised systems.

In this blog, we will outline the attack stages, discuss the potential risks, and provide recommendations to strengthen security and prevent exploitation.

The Attacked Workload

Interactive Computing Environments or Notebook Interfaces are platforms designed for data scientists and programmers to write, execute, and analyze code interactively. There are many products available, including Jupyter Notebook, JupyterLab, Apache Zeppelin, Google Colab, Databricks Notebooks, and others.
These environments are often connected to the internet and require authentication to access data or execute code. However, a simple misconfiguration can sometimes expose the server to malicious activity by hackers.

Mapping the Attack Flow

Sobolan Attack Flow

Figure 1: Sobolan campaign attack flow

The attackers gained initial access through an unauthenticated JupyterLab instance, allowing them to deploy malware and cryptominers. They first downloaded and extracted a compressed archive containing 13 malicious files, consisting of both binaries and shell scripts. Once executed, these scripts initiated multiple processes to establish persistence, hijack system resources for cryptomining, and evade detection (as shown in Figure 1).

The attack follows these steps:

  • Initial Access: The attacker exploits an unauthenticated JupyterLab instance.
  • Download & Extraction: A compressed file (.tar) is downloaded and extracted, revealing 13 malicious files (7 binaries and 6 shell scripts).
  • Execution: The attacker runs a start script, which launches five additional binaries and shell scripts.
  • Persistence & Evasion: The scripts initiate processes to establish persistence, hijack system resources for cryptomining, and avoid detection.

In the following sections, we will analyze each stage of the attack, how Aqua’s Runtime Protection solution detected the threat, and the steps taken to block it. Let’s explore how Aqua enables effective detection and response.

Step 1: Customize Threat Intelligence Feeds

We can customize threat intelligence feeds to include IP addresses, DNS data, or malicious file hashes. This feature allows you to integrate your own threat intelligence sources into the platform.

Additionally, Aqua provides its proprietary threat intelligence feed, based on Nautilus research, which is continuously updated with the latest campaigns targeting cloud-native environments.

Figure 2: Aqua’s custom threat intelligence feed

Step 2: Configure Runtime Policies

In addition, you can configure runtime policies at three different levels: container, virtual machine (VM), and Kubernetes (k8s) clusters.

Cloud native runtime policies

Figure 3: Aqua Runtime policies

In this case, we configured the VM and container levels to block malicious events from being executed. Specifically, we enabled behavioral monitoring, drift prevention, rootkit detection, and fileless execution, along with other security controls available in the Aqua Platform.

Step 3: Enable a Response Policy and Customize Alert Triggers

Additionally, we set up a response policy to alert us whenever malware is detected.

Configuration of a new response policies

Figure 4: Configuration of new response policies

You can also customize a trigger based on specific behavioral rules and apply them to specific images.

Configuration of a trigger of the Aqua response policy

Figure 5: Configuration of a trigger of the Aqua response policy

Step 4: Configure Alerts

And lastly, you can distribute the alerts to various applications and platforms for better visibility and response.

Figure 6: Set up the response policy to send alerts to your preferred application or platform

Step 5: Investigate the Incident

Once we receive an alert about an incident, we can inspect the Incident view. Here, we observe four incidents originating from a single resource within a short time frame. This provides a strong indication of an intrusion and the execution of a cryptominer.

Figure 7: Four security incidents originating from a single resource within a brief timeframe

This information is valuable, but it does not provide a full investigation into what happened to our container. To gain deeper insights, we need to navigate to the Audit screen and select the relevant date, January 18th.

Figure 8: Security audit detailing the attack path

Figure 9: Security audit showing blocked events

As you can see, the Aqua Platform detected and collected 4,199 events, providing a clearer picture of the attack. Among these, 4 events are labeled as incidents, 138 as blocked events, and 167 as success events, meaning they were successfully executed and were not blocked by the Enforcer.

The remaining events were collected to provide additional context. For instance, we can observe file opening or process executions, which may not be inherently malicious or suspicious. However, when analyzed in conjunction with incidents, they offer invaluable insights into what happened in our container after the malicious chain of events was initiated. Below you can see all the blocked events.

Detailed Summary of the Blocked Events

You can see that a shell script execution was blocked. In this specific case, one of the scripts, lol, was successfully prevented from running.
When the entire attack is allowed to execute, the attacker downloads a tar file from a remote location ( Once extracted, it deploys 13 files in the directory /var/tmp/.lol11/.ICE-Temp, consisting of 6 shell scripts and 7 binaries.

The malware executes multiple scripts and binaries while attempting to hide itself and maintain persistence on the server.


chattr +i /var/tmp/.ICE-Temp
./crazy > /dev/null 2>&1 & disown
./lol1 > /dev/null 2>&1 & disown
./lol > /dev/null 2>&1 & disown
./noob > /dev/null 2>&1 & disown
# Define the process name for syst3md

# Define the CPU threshold for killing processes

# Function to kill processes using over 100% CPU except syst3md
kill_high_cpu_processes() {
    echo "Checking for processes using over $cpu_threshold% CPU..."
    while read -r pid cpu; do
        cpu="${cpu%.*}" # Remove decimal part
        if [ "$pid" != "$$" ] && [ "$pid" != "$(pgrep -x "$syst3md_process")" ] && [ "$cpu" -gt "$cpu_threshold" ]; then
            echo "Killing process $pid using $cpu% CPU..."
            kill -9 "$pid"
    done < <(ps -e -o pid,%cpu --sort=-%cpu --no-headers)

# Main loop
while true; do
    # Kill processes using over 100% CPU except for syst3md

    # Sleep for a while before checking again
    sleep 15

The main script start (MD5: 4b94b70a58413e83dd5fd937862ad6dd) executes several other scripts and binaries, including crazy (MD5: dac46d7fff94af972f02afc00fb5ee95), lol (MD5: 0eba5ce29c4baf4888bd2a9dd39fec0a), lol1 (MD5: 3242c1445baa1bb42418f534c468c817), noob (MD5: 89599bf56ee19e0693a7ad5b57c7eeaf), and run (MD5: 6f2ad308cfca8ada83dddeff3550ff1b).

The crazy script is designed to establish persistence and restrict access to the server. It modifies the ~/.bashrc file to execute a fake login prompt whenever a user opens a terminal. If the user enters the hardcoded password (parola=”32y45873y2485324jh23“), access is granted; otherwise, the session is terminated.

The lol and lol1 scripts are responsible for running cryptominers, pythonlol (MD5: 305f278eaf452f7e0b8d788e433278c6) and sobolan (MD5: 7849983d77b052de90558feeefb3078d).

The noob script is designed to kill high CPU usage processes, likely to prevent other applications from interfering with the cryptomining operation.
Once the run binary is executed, the task is renamed to bash. It inspects .ssh credentials, attempts (but fails) to download the script, and executes the binary apachlogs (MD5: 9e39b0a7baca08a77c4716e5581660b2). The malware also creates files used to set up cron jobs, ensuring continued execution and persistence on the compromised system.

# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (.tempo installed on Sat Jan 18 20:27:04 2025)
# (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp $)
* * * * * /var/tmp/.loll1/.ICE-Temp/1 > /dev/null <&1 2>&1 & disown
@monthly /var/tmp/.lol11/.ICE-Temp/1 > /dev/null <&1 2>&1 & disown
@reboot /var/tmp/.loll1/.ICE-Temp/apachelogs > /dev/null <&1 2>&1 & disown

Apachelogs runs a service that kills competing cryptominers and executes the binary ‘1’ (MD5: a6ae2651f951fe07f265b548474274b9), which then executes syst3md (MD5: ca1543264c990b85310bcb879e43eb36). Syst3md is a cryptominer that attempts to connect to a PostgreSQL database linked to the MiningOcean domain.

When inspecting the syst3md binary, there are no indications of PostgreSQL imports such as PQconnectdb, PQsetdbLogin, PQexec, or PQfinish. This suggests that the port and process may be used to disguise the connection to a cryptomining pool rather than an actual database interaction.
The file status (MD5: 7989ea33ddede0ecf9f3e562aaa8a1c4) is designed to modify a JSON configuration file, but it was not used in this attack.


The Sobolan malware attack highlights the evolving tactics threat actors use to compromise interactive computing environments like Jupyter Notebooks. By exploiting misconfigurations, deploying multiple persistence mechanisms, and running cryptominers, attackers can severely impact cloud native workloads. Aqua’s Runtime Protection effectively detects, blocks, and mitigates these threats by leveraging real-time threat intelligence, malware scanning, and customizable runtime policies. Organizations using Aqua can proactively secure their environments against such attacks, ensuring operational integrity and preventing unauthorized access. Staying vigilant and implementing robust security controls is key to defending against increasingly sophisticated cloud native threats.


Indications of Compromise (IOCs)

Type Value Notes
IP address
IP Address Attacker IP
IP address Download server
Binary file MD5: 305f278eaf452f7e0b8d788e433278c6 pythonlol
Binary file MD5: 7849983d77b052de90558feeefb3078d sobolan
Binary file MD5: 9e39b0a7baca08a77c4716e5581660b2 apachlogs
Binary file MD5: a6ae2651f951fe07f265b548474274b9 1
Binary file MD5: ca1543264c990b85310bcb879e43eb36 syst3md
Binary file MD5: 6f2ad308cfca8ada83dddeff3550ff1b run
Shell script MD5: 4b94b70a58413e83dd5fd937862ad6dd start
Shell script MD5:dac46d7fff94af972f02afc00fb5ee95 crazy
Shell script MD5:0eba5ce29c4baf4888bd2a9dd39fec0a lol
Shell script MD5: 3242c1445baa1bb42418f534c468c817 lol1
Shell script MD5: 89599bf56ee19e0693a7ad5b57c7eeaf noob
Shell script MD5: 7989ea33ddede0ecf9f3e562aaa8a1c4 status
Assaf Morag
Assaf is the Director of Threat Intelligence at Aqua Nautilus, where is responsible of acquiring threat intelligence related to software development life cycle in cloud native environments, supporting the team's data needs, and helping Aqua and the broader industry remain at the forefront of emerging threats and protective methodologies. His research has been featured in leading information security publications and journals worldwide, and he has presented at leading cybersecurity conferences. Notably, Assaf has also contributed to the development of the new MITRE ATT&CK Container Framework.

Assaf recently completed recording a course for O’Reilly, focusing on cyber threat intelligence in cloud-native environments. The course covers both theoretical concepts and practical applications, providing valuable insights into the unique challenges and strategies associated with securing cloud-native infrastructures.