CNAPP vs. CSPM: 5 Key Differences

Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) is a tool that continuously monitors and manages the security posture of cloud environments. It identifies and remediates risks associated with cloud resource configurations and compliance standards. 

What Is CSPM?

CSPM tools can automatically detect misconfigurations, non-compliance, and potential security threats in real time, enabling organizations to enforce security best practices across their cloud infrastructures.

CSPM solutions support cloud governance by providing visibility into the cloud estate, assessing risk levels, and suggesting corrective actions. They help bridge the gap between DevOps and security teams by integrating into existing workflows, ensuring that security is a shared responsibility.  

In this article:

Key Features of CSPM

CSPM solutions aid in maintaining the security integrity of cloud environments. Their primary features include:

  • Continuous compliance monitoring: Scans cloud environments against compliance frameworks to ensure adherence to standards like GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS. This helps organizations avoid penalties and maintain trust with their customers.
  • Misconfiguration management: Automatically detects and alerts on misconfigurations in cloud services and resources. This prevents security breaches by ensuring configurations align with best practices.
  • Threat detection: Integrates with threat intelligence feeds to identify potential threats in real time. This enables swift action to mitigate risks before they can be exploited.
  • Visibility across cloud environments: Aggregates data from various sources, providing a unified view of the security posture across all cloud assets.
  • Security best practices and benchmarks: Compares cloud configurations against industry standards such as CIS benchmarks, offering recommendations for improvements. This ensures that organizations meet or exceed security requirements. 

Why CSPM Must Be Part of a Broader Security Platform 

CSPM focuses on identifying and remediating misconfigurations and compliance issues in the cloud. However, as cyber threats become more sophisticated, relying solely on CSPM may leave gaps in an organization’s defense mechanisms. 

Integrating CSPM with other security tools like Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP) and Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB) ensures a more rounded approach to cloud security, covering not just configuration and compliance but also workload protection, data security, and access control


A holistic security platform that includes CSPM enables organizations to build a multi-layered defense strategy against a range of cyber threats. While CSPM provides visibility into cloud configurations and compliance status, integrating it with CWPP extends protection to workloads running in the cloud by monitoring for malicious activities and vulnerabilities. Similarly, CASB integration offers additional security for data in transit and access control. 

What Is CNAPP? 

A Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) is an integrated suite of security tools designed for protecting cloud-native applications throughout their lifecycle. It focuses on the challenges of cloud environments, offering protection across development, deployment, and runtime phases. 

CNAPP combines the capabilities of multiple security solutions, including CSPM, into a unified platform to address the needs of cloud native applications. It provides critical insights into vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, compliance issues, and threats within cloud-native ecosystems. 

CNAPP solutions automate the continuous scanning and monitoring of containerized applications, serverless functions, and microservices architectures. By integrating with CI/CD pipelines and utilizing DevSecOps practices, they embed security in the development process. 

Security Solutions Included in CNAPP

The following security solutions are typically included in CNAPP platforms:

Key Features of CNAPP 

CNAPP platforms typically offer the following features to protect applications from development through deployment and operation:

  • Unified security posture management: Consolidates multiple security functions into a single platform, providing visibility and control over the security posture of cloud-native applications. 
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Integrates with CI/CD pipelines to ensure that security is embedded in the development process, enabling early detection and remediation of vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
  • Container security: Offers capabilities for securing containers throughout their lifecycle, including image scanning for vulnerabilities, runtime protection, and configuration management.
  • Serverless function security: Provides monitoring and protection for serverless functions, addressing security challenges such as function-level vulnerabilities and permission misconfigurations to prevent unauthorized access or breaches.
  • Compliance assurance: Continuously monitors cloud environments against compliance frameworks, ensuring that cloud-native applications adhere to standards and best practices. 

CSPM vs. CNAPP: The Key Differences

While both useful for cloud security, CSPM and CNAPP solutions differ in several key areas.

1. Main Focus 

CSPM focuses on the security posture of cloud infrastructure, emphasizing configuration management, compliance adherence, and best security practices. Its goal is to identify misconfigurations, compliance issues, and vulnerabilities within the cloud infrastructure to prevent potential security breaches.

CNAPP extends beyond infrastructure security to provide comprehensive protection of cloud-native applications. It integrates additional security capabilities to cover the entire application lifecycle, from development through runtime. It aims to secure applications against vulnerabilities, runtime attacks, data breaches through a unified platform for threat prevention, risk management, and compliance assurance.

2. Scope

CSPM targets the entire cloud environment, monitoring services and configurations across multiple cloud platforms. It provides a view of the organization’s overall cloud security posture by assessing infrastructure-level configurations and compliance.

CNAPP targets the protection of cloud-native applications and their associated workloads. It offers detailed insights into application-level security issues, including code vulnerabilities and runtime threats. CNAPP’s scope includes securing containers, serverless functions, microservices architectures, and other components involved in development and deployment.

3. Key Capabilities

CSPM automates continuous monitoring for configuration assessment, policy enforcement, risk mitigation, and compliance reporting. It focuses on identifying misconfigurations that could lead to security breaches or non-compliance with regulatory standards.

CNAPP includes all CSPM capabilities while also providing additional features such as automated application scanning during CI/CD pipelines, runtime protection to guard against active threats, DevSecOps integration, container security, serverless function protection, identity access management (IAM) controls, and advanced threat detection capabilities.  

4. Integration with Security Solutions 

CSPM tools integrate with various cloud service providers and other security solutions to provide visibility into cloud configurations and compliance status. CSPM is often paired with Identity Access Management (IAM) systems, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) platforms, and vulnerability assessment tools.

CNAPP incorporates CSPM, CWPP, and other security solutions into a single platform. It integrates with cloud providers and other solutions like CSPM, but in addition, can connect with DevOps tools and workflows, supporting a shift-left approach that embeds security early in the application lifecycle.

5. Compliance 

CSPM continuously scans for compliance violations, ensuring configurations align with industry-specific regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS. It automates compliance reporting, making it easier for organizations to prove adherence to regulatory requirements.

CNAPP integrates compliance checks throughout the application development lifecycle. It ensures that infrastructure complies with standards and verifies that applications are developed and deployed in accordance with these regulations. 

CNAPP vs. CSPM: How to Choose? 

When choosing between CSPM and CNAPP solutions, it is essential to understand the needs and challenges of your organization’s cloud environment. Here are some key considerations to guide your decision:

Scope of Protection

  • CSPM: Secures cloud infrastructure by identifying misconfigurations, compliance violations, and potential vulnerabilities. It is suitable for organizations that need visibility and control over cloud configurations and compliance across multiple cloud services.
  • CNAPP: Offers a broader scope that includes application-level security, covering the entire lifecycle of cloud-native applications. It integrates multiple security functions to protect against a wider range of threats.

Development and Operations Integration

  • CSPM: Enhances cloud governance and security posture management by integrating with existing workflows, making it easier to enforce security policies and compliance standards across cloud environments.
  • CNAPP: Goes further by embedding security into the CI/CD pipeline and supporting DevSecOps practices. This ensures that security is incorporated early in the development process, enabling faster identification and remediation of vulnerabilities.

Threat Detection and Response

  • CSPM: Provides real-time visibility into cloud configurations and potential threats, focusing on infrastructure-level risks. It helps prevent security breaches by ensuring that cloud services are configured according to best practices.
  • CNAPP: Combines infrastructure security with advanced application-level threat detection and response capabilities. It includes runtime protection, container security, and serverless function monitoring, defending against sophisticated threats that target cloud-native environments.

Compliance and Risk Management

  • CSPM: Continuously monitors cloud environments for compliance with industry regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS. It automates compliance reporting, making it easier for organizations to maintain regulatory adherence.
  • CNAPP: Enhances compliance management by integrating compliance checks throughout the application lifecycle. It ensures that both the infrastructure and the applications comply with regulatory standards, providing a more holistic approach to risk management.

CNAPP with Aqua Security

Aqua Security enables organizations to unify cloud native application protection and detect, prioritize, and reduce risks across every phase of their software development life cycle.

The Aqua Cloud Native Security Platform is a Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) solution that secures your cloud native applications from day one and protects them in real time. With its fully integrated set of security and compliance capabilities, you can discover, assess, prioritize, and reduce risk in minutes across the full software development life cycle while automating prevention, detection, and response.Learn more about the Aqua Platform

The Cloud Native Experts
"The Cloud Native Experts" at Aqua Security specialize in cloud technology and cybersecurity. They focus on advancing cloud-native applications, offering insights into containers, Kubernetes, and cloud infrastructure. Their work revolves around enhancing security in cloud environments and developing solutions to new challenges.